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Good Friday - The Last 7 Sayings of Christ

In this special service, 7 guest speakers were invited to CCM and each spoke about one of the 7 sayings of Jesus Christ on Good Friday.

1) Reverend Marquis Crowley (Luke 23:34)

Jesus is God, and instead of freeing himself from the cross with his last words, he asked for our forgiveness. People may have done things to us that we deem unforgivable, but let us open our hearts and try. When we are angry at someone and we want to hold it in our hearts, let us remember Christ's selflessness and compassion on the cross as he asked his Father to forgive us.

2) Reverend Randy Weaver (Luke 24:43)

Jesus did not react to what was said to him on the cross, he responded. When he was hanging on the cross, one of the men on a cross beside him asked if he would remember him when He came into His kingdom. Jesus's response to the man lets us know that not only will Jesus be thinking of him when he enters His kingdom, but He has been thinking of him all this time! Christ pushed himself up on the cross and answered the criminal next to him. Why? Because that man was important. Because Christ was dying right then for that man as he did for all men.

3) Reverend Roxanne Zieigler (John 19:26-27)

Jesus was human. He felt physical and spiritual pain. Physical because of his body, and spiritual because of the separation from his Father. Jesus loved Mary because she was His mom; she was the chosen vessel and He knew the price she paid to be His mother. In the midst of his pain on the cross, he was concerned for his mother. Likewise, when we are hurting, when we are going through something, we should not forget about other people.

4) First Lady Raeana Smith (Matthew 27:46)

(From a devotional) Jesus took your place on the cross so you could take his. On the cross, Jesus addresses His father as "God" for the first time. When he references "God" for the first time, he is speaking on your behalf. At the time when Jesus needed God the most, God turned his back on Jesus because he could not bare to see all of the sin that filled His son's body. But because God turned His back on His son, He will never turn his back on us.

5) Pastor Steve Lance (John 19:28)

Jesus had physical thirst. He suffered pain, felt hurt, just like we do. After all the blood, sweat, and pain that He endured on his way to the hill, he was thirsty. But he was also spiritually thirsty. Thirsty to fulfill his Father's will and redeem making. He came to restore us; to reunite us with God. Now how thirsty are we? Do we have a thirst for God and his righteousness? Are we thirsty to see the redemption and reconciliation of those around us? Are we thirsting for the Lord?

6) Reverend Regina Wiggins (John 19:30)

When Jesus said, "It is finished," he did not mean that it in singularity, but infinitely. Yes, he was nearing the finish of his work on earth, but that work will continue even after death. It is finished and I am victorious because of what Jesus did on the cross. When He said, "It is finished," he meant death, the penalty for sin, Satan's power. It is all finished. Jesus spoke those words with triumph and conviction so that there would be no doubt about what he had and will be doing for us.

7) Pastor Lance Smith (Luke 23:46)

There is no safer place to be than in the hands of a loving God. And it is His intention that one day we be reunited with Him. Like any good reunion, some very important things are needed:

--A planner who has a vision (God)

--A foot soldier to do the work (Jesus)

--A promoter to spread the word and bring excitement (Holy Spirit)

--Destination (Heaven)

--Activities (praising the living God with everything you have)

--Family who wants to go (the cloud of witnesses waiting for us)

--Money (which was paid by Jesus Christ when he died on the cross)

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