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Pastor Lance

Pastor Lance has been a community servant for his entire career working as a youth counselor, a teacher in Oklahoma City Schools, and a psychotherapist ministering to those dealing with issues such as mental illness, addiction, and family discord. In terms of ministry experience, Lance has served in Oklahoma, California, and Texas as an evangelist, Christian counselor, assistant minister, and chaplain. This includes participating in a chaplain residency program at Methodist Hospital in Dallas, Texas where he served as an ER and ICU chaplain ministering to patients and families in some of the most challenging circumstances. Currently Pastor Lance works as a hospice chaplain in the OKC metro taking the good news of the Gospel to local families in need of hope. 

Hobbies: "Video games, working out, and really just hanging out with Raeana and the kiddos!"

Music: "Gospel, Contemporary Christian, R&B, and I still love the old-school hymns!

Books: "Perhaps it's cliche, but I really love God's word. I like Not a Fan and Purpose Driven Church.

Scripture: “The bible is rich with encouragement and wisdom, but if I had to narrow it down to one passage it would be Romans 5:8, ‘But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.’ In a broken world where love is either lacking or needs to be “earned” in the eyes of humankind, the Gospel is a breath of fresh air in that it teaches all of us that true love; unconditional love is an action that is not based on our behavior but rather God’s #compassion for His children in spite of our propensity to miss the mark. Thank God for Jesus


Raeana Smith, Co-founder and Lead Administrator

Raeana was born and raised in Oklahoma City, Ok and is a graduate of John Marshall High School. She has a Bachelor's degree in Exercise Science and a Master's degree in Wellness and Health, both from the University of Central Oklahoma. She currently works as an adjunct professor for the department of Kinesiology & Health Studies at UCO teaching Healthy Life Skills. In previous ministry experience Raeana has worked has a youth & teen mentor, nursery worker, health and wellness leader, and now serves at CCM as Pastor’s wife. It is her heart’s desire to pour into this ministry via two avenues. By way of health & fitness: sharing her education skills and abilities to help others live a healthier life. Also by ministering to the needs of families with special needs children, specifically autism through support groups and other activities.


Hobbies: If our first lady has spare time, she typically enjoys spending it with her husband, Pastor Lance and their three beautiful children: Ava, Alanna, and Lance “Deuce”. She also enjoys traveling, reading, and working out.

Music: Raeana enjoys listening to all types of music, especially contemporary and gospel music.

Books: She loves reading various types of poetry. 

Scripture: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” Philippians 4:13.

Dana Ganschow, Children's Ministry Leader

Dana is our Children’s Ministry Leader at Compassionate Church Ministry. She has ten years of previous experience in children’s ministry with People’s Church of Oklahoma City, OK. She also has a bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology & Health Studies from the University of Central Oklahoma. Outside of her service at CCM she works for Jasco Products and has worked with youth as well as adults in Sports Management for 17 years.


Hobbies: Jigsaw puzzles and serving others through volunteering.

Music: Gospel and “old school” music.

Books: Her favorite books are the Bible, The History of Oklahoma, and other non-fiction material.

Scripture: Dana’s favorite scriptures are: Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” And Philippians 4:19 “…And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Barbara A. Garrett, Board Member

Barbara A. Garrett was born in IXL, OK a suburb of Boley, OK. She is a proud graduate of Fredrick Douglass High School of Oklahoma City, OK. She as a Master’s degree in Urban Education from Langston University. Education is her first passion and after teaching for Oklahoma City Public Schools for 33 years she often substitute teaches. When asked about her ministry experience, Sister Garrett says, “Going to church has been a major part of my life from I.X.L. to Oklahoma City.” Growing up she attended Unity Baptist Church and Evangelistic Baptist Church of God in Christ. She has served as vacation bible school leader, church clerk, Sunday School Teacher and served on the Women’s Missionary Union.


Hobbies: Going to the movies and spending time with her family or as she so lovingly refers to them as her “#1’s”.

Music: Various gospel and R & B artists.

Books: The Bible, any book by James Baldwin, Dreams of my Father by President Barak H. Obama and The Mis-Education of the Negro by Carter G. Woodson.

Scripture: Psalms 121:8 “The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth and even forevermore.”

Richard L. Garrett, Board Member

Richard L. Garrett is from Oklahoma City, OK by way of Memphis, TN. Richard graduated from Fredrick Douglass High School in Memphis, TN. He then went on to graduate from Langston University of Langston, OK with a bachelors in Education. He is a retired Oklahoma City Public School Educator. He has coached various sports throughout his career and is recognized in the Oklahoma Coaches Association Baseball Hall of Fame for his accomplishments as a head baseball coach. After teaching for 32 years he now substitutes on occasion. Richard grew up attending Calvary Church of God in Christ, in Memphis, TN. After college and marring his beautiful wife (Barbara A. Garrett) he joined and attended Evangelistic Baptist Church of Christ since the early ‘80s. He served there in many capacities: The Brotherhood, usher, and trustee. Brother Garrett desires to serve the Lord and others however he can.


Hobbies: Watching sports, especially baseball…GO CUBS! He also enjoys painting, traveling, visiting museums, as well as other historic monuments.

Music: Gospel music and his favorite R & B group is the Temptations.

Books: The Bible and any book about sports.

Scripture: Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Alan Nguyen, Pianist

Alan is from Edmond, Oklahoma and graduated from Classen School of Advanced Studies with a major in Piano. He is now pursuing a degree in Biology at The University of Central Oklahoma and is a full-time student. He enjoys eating a good meal, working out, and playing the piano. Alan states that he hopes to use his skills and talents “to spread the love of God through the power of music!”

Music: Rap music by Isaiah Rashad

Book: 1984 by George Orwell.

Scripture: Samuel 17:45-46a: “Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand.”


Rachel Tran, Media Assistant

Rachel is from Moore, Oklahoma. She graduated Classen School of Advanced Studies in 2015 and is currently majoring in Biology at the University of Oklahoma. Rachel says she has found a great home in Compassionate Church Ministries and feels that she has become closer with the Lord during her time here.

Hobbies: Playing with her dogs, and learning more science

Music: Chance the Rapper

Books: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams 

Scripture: "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13

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